
Send me your VPC flow logs and give me an IAM role to assume in your AWS accounts so that I can make a really useful tool and open source it. You can trust me (in my opinion)


At a previous day job, I had access to a large AWS environment and wrote a useful tool. It would enrich VPC flog logs with information like:

  • What kind of endpoint was the source of the traffic: an EC2 instance? A Lambda function? RDS database? A load balancer? ElastiCache cluster?
  • What kind of endpoint was the destination of the traffic? One of the above? Maybe it was a VPC endpoint: S3? DynamoDB? Secrets Manager?
  • How much data was sent? Received?
  • What were the ARNs of the resources involved?
  • Which security groups did they have attached?
  • Which region and availability zone were they in?
  • Which VPC ID was it? Account ID?
  • Did the traffic leave the VPC? How? Was it the IGW? Maybe a VPC peering connection?
  • Most importantly: what tags were on the resources involved? Who was the owner on either end? Or the aws:cloudformation:stack-name?

So instead of a (pretty useless, to be honest) record like this:

1 123456789010 eni-1235b8ca123456789 20641 22 6 20 4249 1418530010 1418530070 ACCEPT OK

It would instead look something like:

  "Protocol": "tcp",
  "Uploaded": 4249,
  "Downloaded": 332,
  "Start": "1418530010",
  "End": "1418530070",
  "Action": "ACCEPT",
  "Client": {
    "Addr": "",
    "Arns": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:123456789010:instance/i-01234567",
    "InterfaceId": "eni-1235b8ca123456789",
    "SubnetId": "subnet-12345abc",
    "VpcId": "vpc-abcdef123",
    "AccountId": "123456789010",
    "SecurityGroupIds": [
    "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1b",
    "Region": "us-east-1",
    "Type": "ec2:instance",
    "Rfc1918": true,
    "Tags": {
      "aws:autoscaling:group-name": "DataProcessor",
      "aws:cloudformation:stack-name": "MyStack",
      "owner": "",
      "app": "DataProcessor"
  "Server": {
    "Addr": "",
    "Region": "us-east-1",
    "Type": "aws:service",
    "AwsService": "s3",
    "Rfc1918": false

This meant you could write SQL queries to answer all sorts of questions like:

  • How much of my traffic is cross-AZ? (Because AWS charges you for this)
  • Which of my internal applications (as determined by e.g. an app tag) has my app: DataProcessor service connected to in the past three weeks?
  • Are any of my EC2 instances bypassing my ALBs and connecting to other EC2 instances directly?
  • Did the developers create a Lambda function that connects to an RDS instance without using the RDS Proxy? (Don’t want to create too many open connections!)
  • Why did my data transfer charges grow by 23% this month? Where’s it all going?

How it was built

The tool was a handful of Lambda functions.

One Lambda function subscribed to AWS tag change events and maintained an ARN -> tags lookup table in Redis.

The second Lambda function subscribed to EC2 and network interface events and maintained an IP address -> ARN lookup table in Redis.

The third Lambda function was subscribed to a Kinesis stream and received the raw VPC flow logs. It would then construct the above JSON by consulting the lookup tables in Redis and then write the JSON to a Kinesis Firehose.

Finally, SQL queries would be executed by AWS Athena against the enriched flow logs stored in S3.

What I want to do now

I’d like to rebuild this tool and open source it. There are a few reasons why:

Since I wrote the tool, AWS Lambda has added support for rolling aggregation windows when processing Kinesis streams. This means I can significantly reduce the volume of data written to Firehose (and therefore S3), reducing costs.

Likewise, Amazon Timestream has also since been released. This looks like it could be a very good fit for storing the enriched VPC flow log information and being able to query it in real-time.

What I need from you

Here’s the problem. I don’t have access to an AWS environment filled with EC2 instances, VPC-attached Lambda functions, RDS databases, ElastiCache clusters, ALBs and so on. I now work at a company that is entirely serverless and we have almost nothing attached to a VPC.

Therefore I can’t meaningfully test that a rebuilt tool would work correctly. Even if I tried to create a lab environment, it is extremely difficult to reproduce the diversity of traffic patterns that occur in real environments after years of organic growth.

What I would love is to tap into someone else’s environment. Basically, you would deploy the following CloudFormation template into your environment:

    Type: String
    Default: 01234567890
    Description: Aidan's AWS account
    Type: String
    Description: Value provided by Aidan to avoid confused deputy problem
    Type: String
    Default: FlowLogIntrospector
    Type: String
    Description: The name of the log group storing raw VPC flow logs
    Type: AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter
      LogGroupName: !Ref FlowLogsLogGroup
      DestinationArn: !Sub arn:aws:logs:${AWS::Region}:${FlowAccount}:destination:AidanDestination
      FilterPattern: ""

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
      RoleName: !Ref RoleName
        Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: Allow
            Action: sts:AssumeRole
              AWS: !Ref FlowAccount
                sts:ExternalId: !Ref ExternalId
        - PolicyName: AllowVpcFlowLogEnrichment
            Version: "2012-10-17"
              - Effect: Allow
                Action: tag:GetResources
                Resource: "*"
              - Effect: Allow
                  - ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
                  - ec2:DescribeInstances
                Resource: "*"

    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
        - Id: flow
          Arn: !Sub arn:aws:events:${AWS::Region}:${FlowAccount}:event-bus/default
        source: [aws.tag]
        detail-type: [Tag Change on Resource]

    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
        - Id: flow
          Arn: !Sub arn:aws:events:${AWS::Region}:${FlowAccount}:event-bus/default
        source: [aws.ec2]
        detail-type: [AWS API Call via CloudTrail]
            - AttachNetworkInterface
            - CreateNetworkInterface
            - DeleteNetworkInterface
            - DetachNetworkInterface

    Type: AWS::Events::Rule
        - Id: flow
          Arn: !Sub arn:aws:events:${AWS::Region}:${FlowAccount}:event-bus/default
        source: [aws.ec2]
        detail-type: [EC2 Instance State-change Notification]

If that sounds acceptable to you, shoot me an email: aidan at